

Elasticities shows how much the demand changes when the
factors affecting it change (such as price, income, etc.). It
measures how sensitive the demand is to these factors.

  • Price elasticity of demand (PED)
  • Income elasticity of demand (IED)
  • Cross elasticity of demand (CED)
  • Price elasticity of supply (PES)

Price Elasticity of Demand
Price elasticity of demand (PED) – measures the change in the
demand with unit change in the price of the product.

PED=%age change in the demand of good X / %age change in the price of good X

PED<1inelasticusually the essentials
PED=1unitary elasticunit price
unit demand
elasticity of demand

Income Elasticity of demand
Income elasticity of demand (IED) – measures the change in the
demand with unit change in the income.

IED=%age change in the demand of good X / %age change in the income

IED<0fall in demand increase in incomeInferior good
IED>0rise in demand increase in incomeNormal good
income elasticity of demand

Cross Elasticity of Demand
Cross elasticity of demand (CED) – measures the change in the
demand of one product with unit change in the price of other

CED=%age change in the demand of good X / %age change in the price of good X

CED<0Complementary goods
CED=0Unrelated goods
cross elasticity of demand

Price Elasticity of Supply (PES)
Price Elasticity of Supply – Measures the change in the supply with
unit change in the price of the product.

PES=%age change in supply / %age change in price

PES<1Thre supply is inelastic
PES>1The supply is elastic
price elasticity of supply
elasticity formula

what is mean by elasticity?

Elasticities shows how much the demand changes when the
factors affecting it change (such as price, income, etc.)

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